Solve the problem using spread operator
Change the value of m inside the obj using spread operator.
let obj = {
g: 5,
h: {
i: 6,
j: 7,
k: {
l: 8,
m: 9,
let objNew = { ...obj, h: { ...obj.h, k: { ...obj.h.k, m: 10 } } };
// Output:{ g: 5, h: { i: 6, j: 7, k: { l: 8, m: 10 } } }
- Spread Operator: It copies the properties of an object into a new object.
- Step-by-Step:
- { ...obj } creates a shallow copy of obj.
- { ...obj.h } creates a shallow copy of the h object inside obj.
- { ...obj.h.k } creates a shallow copy of the k object inside h.
- Finally, you set the value of m to 10 in the copied k object.