This is a very important guide for Beginner to Advanced JavaScript Interview QNA. These all questions are asked in real interviews via companies.
- What is hoisting in JS?
- How does JavaScript work?
- What is the difference between let, var, and const?
- What is an event loop?
- Difference between Local Storage, Session Storage, and Cookies?
- What are generator functions? to control the flow of execution and create iterable sequences of values?
- What is the difference between setTimeout and setInterval?
- What do you mean by "rest and spread operator"?
- What is meant by Shallow Copy and Deep Copy?
- What are closures?
- What is the difference between a promise and a callback?
- What are arrow functions in JavaScript?
- Explain About ES6 features?
- What is the difference between the ES6 and ES5 standards?
- What is currying in JavaScript?
- What is a temporal dead zone?
- What are Event bubbling and Event Capturing in JavaScript?
- What is a mutation observer?
- Falsy values in JavaScript?
- Object.seal vs Object.freeze?
- Explain Call, Bind, and Apply in JavaScript with examples.
- Explain Higher Order Functions in JavaScript.
- Explain Scope and Scope Chain in JavaScript.
- What are Object Prototypes?
- What are Callbacks?
- What is the difference between PUT, POST, and PATCH?
What is IIFE in JS explain with an example.