This is a very important guide for Beginner to Advanced React JS Interview QNA. These all questions are asked in real interviews via companies.
- What are synthetic events?
- How does React work?
- What is the distinction between client-side and server-side rendering?
- Why use React instead of other frameworks, like Angular, or VueJS?
- What is reconciliation?
- What is the Virtual DOM?
- How to Optimize React App?
- What is React Fiber?
- What are React Portals?
- What is useReducer in React?
- What are Error Boundaries?
- What is Profiler in React JS?
- Why is there a need for using keys in lists?
- What are the differences between controlled and uncontrolled components?
- What is prop drilling in React?
- What are custom hooks? Create a hook.
- Explain Strict Mode in React.
- How do I pass data between Child to Parent react components?
- Difference between a class Component and a Functional Component?
- What are the hooks, you have used?
- What is the purpose of useCallback?
- What is the purpose of useMemo?
- Explain Forwarding Refs in React.
- What are Class-based lifecycle methods?
- Implementing Debounce?
- Implement Throttle?
- How would you be able to achieve componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, & componentDidUnMount in a functional-based component?
- What are pure components and what is their purpose?
- What are higher-order components?
- What HODs have you used? Write an example.
- Have you used the context API? Explain it.
- We already have state management in React, so why so for Redux?
- How does Redux work?
- Have you used any middleware?
- What is the purpose of using middleware?
- How to Write Unit Tests in React?
- Explain the CORS error and how to fix it.
- Explain the concept of “lifting up in React”.
- How can we change props in React?
- Is setState() method synchronous or asynchronous?
- How to Handlers Async Events in React?
- Is setState() method synchronous or asynchronous?
- What are Async Event Handlers in React?
- Can we setState through the onClick event in React?
- Latest version of React JS, What features in Latest React version?
- What is the difference between Promises and Observables?
- Explain the concept of “lifting up in React”