Node JS & Express JS

  1. Create a Hello World app in Node JS.
  2. Create a Hello World app in Express JS.
  3. What is Tracing in Node.js?
  4. What is the Reactor Pattern in Node.js?
  5. Manage API Version in an Express App
  6. How To Run Multiple Versions of Node.js with Node Version Manager.
  7. What is the child process in node js explain?
  8. What is the cluster in node js?
  9. What is eventemitter in node js?
  10. How to upload files in node js API.
  11. What is the global object in node JS?
  12. What is the stream in node JS?
  13. What is the buffer in node JS?
  14. Explain JWT authentication in Node JS.


  1. What is Aggregation in MongoDB explain.
  2. Explain relationships in MongoDB.
  3. What is Sharding?
  4. What is Replication?
  5. What are the indexing limitations in MongoDB?
  6. MySQL vs MongoDB explains, which database we need to choose for our application and why.